Provision of Continuous Scholarship to unfortunate College students from Adong Village
This continuous scholarship was given to 5 college students from Adong Village – Kalimantan who have financial difficulties and have good academic achievements.

Donation for Cianjur earthquake victims
Donation to earthquake victims in Cianjur by distributing basic necessities consisting of fast food, baby and adult diapers, baby milk, baby clothes, adult underwears, and blankets.

Charity: Reading House Construction
To help school-age children and residents especially those without opportunity to study at school, Indonet was compelled to help by building a reading house. The reading house is located at Adong Village, West Kalimantan where some of the residents live around the riverbanks. The reading house, which is equipped with quality books, is expected to help all residents, especially “Pembangunan Rumah Baca” for school-age children to broaden their horizons and knowledge.

Donation of social infrastructure facility at Adong Village –
West Kalimantan
The Company monitors and performs maintenance to 10 newly built water closets (WC) for villagers of Adong Village, West Kalimantan where most of the villagers utilized river water for daily activities such as cooking, drinking, bathing and so on. This program is expected to establish proper sanitation so that the surrounding area as well as to maintain the cleanliness of both villagers and the river.

Charity: Ongoing Scholarship for Orphaned Student from a private high school in Bogor.
This ongoing scholarship was given to an Orphaned Student from a private high school in Bogor who no longer have parents and with economical disadvantage but possess good academic achievements.

Charity: Education facilities and infrastructure assistance.
In order to support the continuous learning and teaching process in the midst of pandemic which in turn required students to do Distance Learning, the Company has provided assistance to Raudhatul Muta’alimin Foundation in the form of Free Internet Connection. In addition to free internet connection, Indonet also provided supporting facilities to support student learning activities at the Foundation.

Charity: Reading House Construction
To help school-age children and residents especially those without opportunity to study at school, Indonet was compelled to help by building a reading house. The reading house is located at Adong Village, West Kalimantan where some of the residents live around the riverbanks. The reading house, which is equipped with quality books, is expected to help all residents, especially “Pembangunan Rumah Baca” for school-age children to broaden their horizons and knowledge.

Charity: Construction of social facilities at Adong Village – West Kalimantan.
In addition to education, the Company also provided infrastructure assistance to the community. Still in the same place, Adong Village, West Kalimantan where many residents used river water as a means of daily life such as cooking, drinking, bathing and so on. This was very concerning, especially the lack of cleanliness in the environment around the river. On this basis, Indonet helped local residents by establishing 10 water closets (WC). This program is expected to create proper sanitation to maintain the health and cleanliness of local residents and rivers.

Charity: Provision of Basic Necessities to Hana Nursing Home.
Assistance for basic necessities and medicines to the Hana Nursing Home, Kedaung, South Tangerang which is currently home to 73 elderly people. This nursing home is located about 7 KM away from the office. The existence of the elderly with all their needs and conditions really needed our support. Not to mention difficulties due to the Covid-19 pandemic with the impact on all economic and social life, therefore the assistance we provided may reduce their burden.

Charity: For ASMAT Tribe through AGATS Diocesan Caritas
This CSR is intended to help the Asmat tribe whose conditions are quite worrying, especially because of the position of scattered villages where the only transportation is boat. If they are sick, they have to travel about 2-3 hours by boat to get to the Puskesmas. In addition to the need for assistance for health, the Asmat also need assistance in the field of education so that the Asmat are not marginalized by migrants. For this reason, we allocate this charity for ASMAT health and education assistance which is channeled through the AGATS Diocese Charity.

Charity: Assistance for Teachers in Rural Region through Karina Foundation (Charitas Indonesia)
Caritas Indonesia (KARINA Foundation) is an official institution belonging to KWI (Konferensi Wali Gereja Indonesia) which focuses on a humanitarian, including reducing poverty and injustice by serving with love, reducing the impact of humanitarian crises by improving response and disaster preparedness.

Charity: SLB Pangudi Luhur - West Jakarta
SLB / B Pangudi Luhur is an educational institution for children with hearing impairments which was founded in 1983. In addition to providing professional education for deaf children, this institution also provides consulting services and educational therapy for children with problems in their educational development through several of their programs.

Charity: Yayasan Dakwah Lentera Hati Indonesia - Quraish Shihab
The foundation is an institution that has a vision and mission to promote the values of the Koran in a pluralistic society, through several educational programs, training, research, publications and community services.

Charity: Panti Werdha Melania - Food Packages & Masks
In May 2020, the Company has conveyed a support to the Melania Nursing Home (Panti Werdha Melania) at South Tangerang with food packages and masks. Currently, the Rempoa branch of the Melania Nursing Home is inhabited by nearly 40 elderly people. Melania Nursing Home currently has several branches in Jakarta which are managed by the Melania Jakarta Foundation (Yayasan Melania Jakarta).

Charity: 5 Laptop Units to Sikola Pamore Donggala School
Sikola Pomore is a nature school based on foreign languages, local culture and the environment, located in Sirenja Village, the west coast of Donggala Regency – Central Sulawesi. The establishment of Sikolah Pomore was initiated by Yaumil Masri, who is an Alumni of Youth Adventure and Youth Leaders of the Let’s Share Movement Forum. This laptop assistance is expected to support the teaching and learning process in this natural school.
PT Indointernet Tbk.
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PT Indointernet Tbk.
We build competence toward
enabling our customer to cope with
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ecosystem to our customer
through essential digital
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Indonesia (15412)
Phone : +6221 73882525
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