General Meeting of Shareholders

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General Meeting of Shareholders

The General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) is an organ in the corporate governance structure. GMS is a platform for shareholders to obtain information, provide opinions, ask questions, and vote legally related to the company’s business interests.

GMS (Annual)
May 10, 2024

Announcement of Summary
of Minutes AGMS
PT Indointernet Tbk

(PDF | 334 KB) »

April 16, 2024

Invitation to
The Shareholders AGMS
PT Indointernet Tbk

(PDF | 329 KB) »

April 16, 2024

Power of
Attorney AGMS
PT Indointernet Tbk

(PDF | 300 KB) »

April 16, 2024

Meeting Rules
PT Indointernet Tbk

(PDF | 302 KB) »

April 16, 2024

Curriculum Vitae
Candidate of The Member
of Board of Directors
PT Indointernet Tbk

(PDF | 1 MB) »

April 16, 2024

Meeting Materials
PT Indointernet Tbk

(PDF | 800 KB) »

April 1, 2024

Announcement of AGMS
PT Indointernet Tbk

(PDF | 673 KB) »

May 29, 2023

Announcement of Summary
of the Minutes AGMS
PT Indointernet Tbk

(PDF | 313 KB) »

May 3, 2023

Invitations to the
Shareholders AGMS
PT Indointernet Tbk

(PDF | 408 KB) »

May 3, 2023

Agenda 2023
PT Indointernet Tbk

(PDF | 873 KB) »

May 3, 2023

of Attorney
PT Indointernet Tbk

(PDF | 607 KB) »

May 3, 2023

Rules of
the 2023 AGMS
PT Indointernet Tbk

(PDF | 475 KB) »

May 3, 2023

of The Member of
Board of Directors

(PDF | 556 KB) »

April 18, 2023

PT Indointernet Tbk

(PDF | 424 KB) »

June 20, 2022

Summary of Minutes
PT Indointernet Tbk

(PDF | 473 KB) »

June 20, 2022

Summary of Minutes
PT Indointernet Tbk

(PDF | 363 KB) »

June 7, 2022

Code of Conduct
PT Indointernet Tbk

(PDF | 476 KB) »

May 25, 2022

Invitation To The Shareholders
PT Indointernet Tbk

(PDF | 334 KB) »

May 25, 2022

Agenda Materials
PT Indointernet Tbk

(PDF | 888 KB) »

May 25, 2022

Candidates of The Members
of Board of Commissioners and
Members of Board of Director
PT Indointernet Tbk.
(PDF | 2 MB) »

May 25, 2022

Power of Attorney
PT Indointernet Tbk

(PDF | 248 KB) »

May 25, 2022

Health Declaration


(PDF | 176 KB) »

May 10, 2022

Announcement and
Extraordinary GMS
PT Indointernet Tbk.
(PDF | 207 KB) »

June 30, 2021

Summary of Minutes of Meeting

(PDF | 425 KB) »

June 30, 2021

Summary of Minutes of Meeting

(PDF | 236 KB) »

June 4, 2021

Invitation to the Shareholders AGMS and EGMS 2021
(PDF | 874 KB) »

June 4, 2021

AGMS & EGMS Agenda
(PDF | 695 KB) »

June 4, 2021

Profiles of Candidates for
Board of Commissioners and Directors
(PDF | 836 KB) »

June 4, 2021

Power of Attorney
(PDF | 801 KB) »

June 4, 2021

Declaration Form
(PDF | 449 KB) »

June 4, 2021

Rules of the 2021
(PDF | 342 KB) »

May 20, 2021

AGMS Schedule Change
PT Indointernet Tbk
(PDF | 125 KB) »

May 11, 2021

Announcement of AGMS
PT Indointernet Tbk
(PDF | 211 KB) »

October 27, 2020

Shareholders’ Circular Decision
(PDF | 134 KB) »

GMS (Extraordinary)
March 15, 2024

Announcement of
Summary of Minutes
Extraordinary GMS
PT Indointernet Tbk.

(PDF | 2 MB) »

February 21, 2024

Invitation to Shareholders
Extraordinary GMS
PT Indointernet Tbk.

(PDF | 306 KB) »

February 21, 2024

Meeting Material
Extraordinary GMS
PT Indointernet Tbk.

(PDF | 606 KB) »

February 21, 2024

Meeting Rules
Extraordinary GMS
PT Indointernet Tbk.

(PDF | 303 KB) »

February 21, 2024

Candidate of the Member
of Board Commissioners
PT Indointernet Tbk.

(PDF | 268 KB) »

February 21, 2024

Power of Attorney
Extraordinary GMS
PT Indointernet Tbk.

(PDF | 227 KB) »

February 6, 2024

Extraordinary GMS
PT Indointernet Tbk.

(PDF | 268 KB) »

October 25, 2023

Announcement of Summary of Minutes
Extraordinary GMS
PT Indointernet Tbk.

(PDF | 327 KB) »

October 3, 2023

Invitation to the Shareholders
Extraordinary GMS
PT Indointernet Tbk.

(PDF | 325 KB) »

October 3, 2023

Agenda Materials
Extraordinary GMS
PT Indointernet Tbk.

(PDF | 665 KB) »

October 3, 2023

Power of Attorney
Extraordinary GMS
PT Indointernet Tbk.

(PDF | 213 KB) »

October 3, 2023

Rules of
theExtraordinary GMS
PT Indointernet Tbk.

(PDF | 370 KB) »

September 18, 2023

Announcement of
Extraordinary GMS
PT Indointernet Tbk.

(PDF | 285 KB) »

PT Indointernet Tbk.

We build competence toward enabling our customer to cope with digital transformation era, and build ecosystem to our customer through essential digital infrastructure solutions.

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Customer Service

Phone         : +622127555222

WhatsApp : +6281572555222

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Contact Us

Rempoa Raya No. 11
Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan
Indonesia (15412)

Phone : +6221 73882525
Fax      : +6221 73882626


    PT Indointernet Tbk.

    We build competence toward
    enabling our customer to cope with
    digital transformation era, and build
    ecosystem to our customer
    through essential digital
    infrastructure solutions.

    Follow Us

    Customer Service

    Phone         : +622127555222

    WhatsApp : +6281572555222

    Email          :

    Contact Us

    Rempoa Raya No. 11
    Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan
    Indonesia (15412)

    Phone : +6221 73882525
    Fax      : +6221 73882626
