Indonet was named “Distribution Partner of the Year” by Alibaba Cloud on May 24, 2022, in Jakarta. Indonet has won the award for the second time, having previously won the title of “Fastest Growing Partner of Alibaba Cloud in Southeast Asia” in 2018.
This award demonstrates that Indonet is consistently at the forefront, both in terms of the provision of Alibaba Cloud solutions and services and the level of customer trust in the digital solutions that Indonet provides to bridge their digital transformation, according to Karla Winata, Indonet’s Main Director.
When presenting the award, Leon Chen, General Manager of Alibaba Cloud, expressed appreciation for Indonet’s performance. After expressing gratitude, Leon reflected on how Indonet and Alibaba Cloud began working together to penetrate and educate various businesses in Indonesia.

Indonet has been working with Alibaba Cloud as the primary distributor of Alibaba Cloud services in Indonesia since 2017. This collaboration yielded positive outcomes for both parties. The services provided by Alibaba Cloud have successfully entered and been accepted by the market as the first hyper-scale cloud computing in Indonesia, while Indonet has increased its market share to more than 100%.
Indonet currently manages 700 Alibaba Cloud Indonesia customers from nine leading industries through 43 local partners. Financial, consumer goods, ISV, manufacturing, and education industries all contribute to our company’s growth.
The following services are the most commonly used: 65% ECS & Storage (IaaS), 17% Database (PaaS), 8% Network, 2% Security, 1% Marketplace, and 7% other solutions. To demonstrate our commitment, we have 17 ACA Certification (Alibaba Cloud Associate Cloud Computing) and 5 ACP Certification (Alibaba Cloud Professional Cloud Computing) certified members of our team.
We are honored to be an Alibaba Cloud distributor partner. This success has earned us the title of “Fastest Growing Alibaba Cloud Partner in South-East Asia” in 2018 and “Alibaba Cloud Partner of the Year” in 2022, according to Karla Winata.